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Blennerhasset Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed!


Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 3RL

016973 20677


Home Learning

Blennerhasset School

At Blennerhasset School, we work with the children and families to ensure that they are learning well and this also includes opportunities to learn at home too.

We offer a range of online learning platforms to support core subjects such as English and Mathematics and these have proven beneficial during periods of remote learning too.

Each week, children have set home learning tasks and these differ according to the age and stage of the individual child. You can see some of the programs we use by clicking the link below.

All children in school have login details and passwords to access the online learning platforms and copies of these are in home/school diaries or homework books. 

Reading at home

As we value the importance and benefit of reading, every child in school has daily reading home learning and our EYFS and Y1 children have reading books linked to their specific phonic phase in line with our phonics and early reading policy using the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds programme. We encourage the children to read these books for at least 10-15 minutes per day.

As children progress through Y2 – Y6, they become more independent in their reading and begin to choose their own books. We encourage the children to read at home for at least 15-20 minutes per day up to 30 minutes per day in Y56.

You can find out more about our phonics and early reading programme by clicking the orange badge link below